In Loving Memory of...
Everyone leaves footprints in your memory, but the ones that leave footprints in your heart are the ones you will truly remember. - Nicholas Sperling
Al "Alley Cat" Chernoff
Date of Passing: November 5, 2019
Today I lost a dear friend, as did the animal rescue world and Philadelphia's community cats.
I met Al Chernoff when I first started Sam's Hope, way back in 2013. A wonderful person and a true friend to animals.
I am heartbroken. I pray that he has been reunited with all of the kitties he saved over the years, especially his dear Harry; that the monster who committed this heinous and violent act is apprehended and brought to justice, and that rescues are pulling and finding fabulous homes for his beloved cats. After all, he saved so many; it is only right that his are saved too.
Sharing my memories of Al through these photos. Rest in peace, my friend.